North Iowa Book Bash 2019

I’m like, totally excited about attending the North Iowa Book Bash, a.k.a. NIBB2019. There’s a totally bitchin’ theme this year!
Any guesses?
I’ll give you a hint, “It all started with The Unveiling in the…”
Bet the Meadowlarks know and are shouting it to the rooftops.
In honor of this awesomeness, I’ve put together an 80s trivia game and a couple of totally choice Beauty & The Book prizes.
Rules! We’ve got some rules around here.
Kat or I will record your start time when you pick up your sheet and the end time when you return it. The shortest completion time wins.
Make sure you return the sheet to my table no later than 2:00pm. Check my table at 2:45pm for the winner announcement. If the winner is not present, a new winner will be chosen.
Worried that the VIPs will have the upper hand? Don’t. We’ll mark the sheets accordingly. There will be one VIP winner and one general admission.
Wanna know what’s in the Beauty & The Book sets?

Urban Fantasy & Urban Decay:
Naked Basics shadow palette
Eye liner
Shadow primer
Disenchanted (If you already own it, you pick)

Indie Author, Indie Artisans:
Prairieland Herbs (a.k.a. Witchy Weeds)
Enchanted body spray
Enchanted solid perfume
Shimmer lipgloss
Faerie Dust body powder Facebook
Necklace inspired by Keely’s collar in Unenchanted
Rising Phoenix Arts
Disenchanted (If you already own it, you pick)
Can’t wait to see you on the 6th of April, in Clear Lake, Iowa
at the Best Western Holiday Lodge.