Strike A Pose
Remember the Friends episode where Monica and Chandler are getting their engagement pictures taken? Yeah, that’s me, I Chandler every picture. I don’t mean to, it just happens every time I ‘pose’ for a picture.
That said, the Breadwinner had to have new photos for work. A few years ago he’d had business pictures taken at Target and they turned out really nice. So I decided to take a chance and made an appointment for both of us.
All week I worried about having to step in front of the camera. I knew what was going to happen, the same thing that happens every time. I’d either come out looking bitchy—yes, I have resting bitchy face, syndrome—or with that stupid forced smile. I considered backing out right up to the moment I stepped in front of the camera.
As expected, the first few shots were terrible. Even the photographer and the Breadwinner agreed, absolute crap. My anxiety levels shot through the roof, all I wanted to do was crawl back into my writer cave and hide from the world. But the Breadwinner and the oh, so patient, Maddy wouldn’t let me go.
With a lot of coaxing they positioned me and found that straight on pictures were my nemesis, three-quarter shots worked in my favor. I also stood instead of using the little stool. The more they worked with me, the more I relaxed and the pictures came out so much better. I got to skip the smile, instead opting to let my face relax. A little stern or business-like? Yes, but at least I wasn’t trying to ‘force’ a smile. I also hid behind a prop, the lovely shears that grace my covers, amazing how that one little thing helped.
Maddy did a wonderful job of putting up with a neurotic freak show and made me look good. The Breadwinner’s look great and our couples shots are very nice. All in all, I’m pretty happy with my experience in front of the camera. If you’re in the market for some new pictures—and in Central Iowa—I suggest you look up Madeline Mitchell, at the Urbandale Super Target on Plum Drive.
March 1, 2015 @ 3:09 PM
I have been asked why I don’t put an author photo on the back cover. I am intrigued by a three quarter shot in a library setting with a black turtleneck on. Oh, the classic look!
March 1, 2015 @ 3:18 PM
I think that would be–dare I say it without the fear of your wife kickin’ my rear?–smart and sexy.