Apology Tour 2016
It’s quite fitting after ending 2015 apologizing to my readers, for failing to advance Keely’s plight, that I begin 2016 in the same spot. I had thought this new year would be easier, better, but it has started off as the last ended, with excuses.
The Breadwinner and I are finally getting over an upper respiratory infection, two more days of antibiotics, yay! The biologics for my psoriasis leave me susceptible to anything and everything. Being allergic to the preservatives in flu shots makes it nearly impossible to get one, even those claiming to be preservative free still have trace amounts. I’ve been doing my best to stay away from sick people and places that harbor them this winter. Unfortunately, I had to make a trip to the hospital in Sioux City and we’re guessing this is where we picked up the nasty bug.
New Year’s day I was informed my father was in the hospital and we set off for Sioux City early the next morning. Phone tag with family members doesn’t quite work, I wanted to know exactly what was going on. After getting the basics, I took the Breadwinner home and headed back the next day. I wanted to be there to find out what the test results were and where to proceed from there.
After receiving the test results, I called home and found out I had a sick husband. We both assumed it was a simple cold and he was chugging juice and taking over the counter meds to combat it, so I stayed with Mom and worked through things with Dad. By the time we had things settled my adrenaline rush was wearing thin. After chatting with the doctors about my concerns over Mom being able to deal with Dad, I was told to go home, I didn’t look very well. I had to agree, I wasn’t feeling great and I sure as hell didn’t want to pass it on to Dad when he had surgery coming up.
The drive home was pure misery, by the time I reached our driveway all I wanted to do was sleep. It wasn’t that I didn’t care what was happening, it was that I couldn’t function. By Sunday, both of us were down for the count. Luckily, I was better than the Breadwinner and able to get us to urgent care, where we found out it wasn’t a simple cold or the flu.
We’re now working on week three of trying to shake this thing and I’m coherent enough to get a few words out to explain why I’ve, yet again, been absent. My father made it through heart surgery with flying colors and has been moved to rehab, anxiously awaiting the okay to go home. Once I’m over this, I’ll head out again to check on him. Until then I’m going to attempt some time in The Meadows and hope Keely and the gang can guide me down the right path.
Here’s hoping your 2016 started off with a less dramatic bang than mine!
January 18, 2016 @ 2:12 PM
{{hugs}} Get feeling better.
January 18, 2016 @ 3:10 PM
Thanks, Tambo!
January 18, 2016 @ 7:15 PM
Dang girl. It definite is going around. I’m on week 3 myself and avoided urgent care. Sorry to hear you weren’t as lucky. Your dads in the best possible place for both your parents right now so it’s time to concentrate on making yourself well. Some time in The Meadows sounds like wonderful recoup time.
January 19, 2016 @ 9:56 AM
Agreed! Things seem to be settling down, hoping to be back to normal soon.
January 19, 2016 @ 8:40 AM
I’m here for you Ames!
January 19, 2016 @ 9:57 AM
Thanks, Aaron, know I can count on you to have my back.